Monday, May 4, 2015


Breeders and Kennel owners have been accused of cheating on many occasions, including selling subpar puppies, misrepresenting facts, and providing inaccurate information about KCI to potential clients.
For the general information of dog lovers planning to own / buy a puppy, we give below some precautionary and possible steps that may be taken in order to avoid being taken for a ride by some unscrupulous breeders :
  • Do not make any financial commitments before you see the dog physically.
  • Take the help of a Veterinary Doctor and see the dog physically.
  • Ensure yourself that you get whatever is promised.
  • Insist for a copy of the Registration certificate if the Breeder claims it is registered with the Kennel Club of India.
  • If it is registered, scan for a Microchip with the help of a Vet, as every dog registered with KCI must compulsorily be microchipped.
  • Do not fall prey to false promises and statements like“ we have applied to KCI for registration, the process will take 4–6 months, there is no microchip available”, etc.etc. We take only a maximum of 30 days to complete the registration process and dispatch of Certificates to the Breeders /owners.
  • Never make any cash payments. Pay only by crossing a cheque or bank, which may help you later in case of any hassle.
  • Always insist and get a proper agreement executed and signed by both parties involved, which again will help in case of any dispute.
  • Never commit yourself just on the basis of an email / facebook or a chat through any other social media.